Monday, November 1, 2010

Civilized Animal

Civilized animals are an intermediate level between normal animals (whether speech capable or mute) and mere intellectual animals (whether speech capable or mute) and funny animals.  They usually think and act partly like a human and partly like the species they happen to be.  They can either think and act more like a human or more like their respective species. They do some to many of the things that usually only humans do.  They occupy their species natural role in the ecosystem and may either live on the fringes of human society or not. 

Civilized animals can wear clothes, live in houses, and are often depicted walking and running on two legs, but have largely to completely non-humanoid bodies.  They can either be both two legged and four legged or almost always be bipedal.  Most civilized animals have either non-humanoid or semi-humanoid bodies, but some furries can live like civilized animals as well. 

Rabbits in waistcoats, a semi-derogatory term used to describe civilized animals, probably originated from The White Rabbit from Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.


Examples On The Verge of Being Funny Animals


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